Training and Education

AIDI endeavors to espouse superlative business practices to put India on the map as a leader of efficacious corporate governance. We further aim to become the voice of directors by providing training in the form of certification programmes, workshops, and networking events as well as advocating research and thought leadership that applies to public as well as private ventures.

AIDI currently provides five programmes to achieve this mission:

  • The Director Development Programme
  • The Leadership Programme
  • Corporate Governance Bytes
  • Directors Skills Training
  • Chairman and CEO’s Breakfast Forum


We believe that anybody who wishes to undertake these programs should be able to, and so our policy is that of open admissions. All the programmes above are self-contained and do not need prerequisites for enrollment. Each participant will receive an attendance certificate after completion of the workshop. Participants who attend all 12 modules of the Director Development Programme receive a certificate issued by AIDI to confirm that the participant has achieved the Intermediate Level in corporate governance.

Who are the AIDI programmes and workshops designed for?

Directors, aspiring directors, general managers, business executives, strategists, operations managers, company secretarial staff, lawyers, accountants and other company advisors, internal auditors, compliance and procurement officers and risk managers, those setting up a new business and anyone else who feels they would benefit from an understanding of the key principles of corporate governance and best business practices.

Training Methodology

The programme is delivered using the very best in adult learning techniques and is based on Kolb’s learning cycle:

Each module is designed in such a way as to provide a foundation in the following areas:

  1. Motivate: Stimulate the thinking of each participant through various training techniques.
  2. Inform: Present the material in a clear and concise way.
  3. Strategize: Create discussion and feedback through case studies and self assessments to allow each participant space to import the learning into their own environment.
  4. Apply: Each session will include an action ideas sheet for participants to populate and take back to their enterprise and the chance to identify barriers or red flags to importing the learning.

Meticulously incorporated into the programmes are icebreakers, discussion groups, case studies, film and media, and other interactive assessments based on the level of the participating members.

Speakers and Experts

We also aim to bring in both local as well as international speakers on the covered topics, so that attendees may receive the best instruction from those with knowledge and experience in the given field.